
Extrafine Merino Rollneck Burnt Sienna

$ 3,800

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  • Precio de Smart Luxury
  • Envíos Express a todo el mundo (España: 48-72 horas)
  • Precio-Valor inigualable
  • Política de devoluciones/cambios de 14 días

As shiny as silk, as soft as cashmere. This sweater is crafted in Italy from Cashwool®, an exceptionally fine fibre sourced from selected Merino sheep bred in Australia, only 19.5 microns in diameter. Ideal for refined leisure time looks. One for true connoisseurs.

Composition: 100% Extrafine Merino Wool
Handmade in Italy
Slim Fit

Tan brillante como la seda, tan suave como la cachemira. Cashwool® is a classic example of an authentic Italian luxury product, a blend of culture, nature and technology. The result of an intuition, as simple as it is original, created by selecting special Australian wools, over the years it has become a benchmark in the world of high class knitwear. But its essence remains inimitable.

The secret of Cashwool® starts with the raw material: wool, selected with the utmost care, choosing only parts with a superb level of fineness and pureness. This is the only way to obtain the incredibly soft, absolutely white, light yarn that gives luminosity and fastness to every colour nuance. Cashwool® is made exclusively in Italy, in the Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia plants: its production follows a distinct process that has been designed and fine-tuned to respect a level of global quality that embraces the product, the individual and the environment.

Con un fuerte enfoque en el estilo atemporal, la artesanía artesanal y las mejores materias primas naturales, Aurélien ofrece una colección de puro lujo a un precio elegante.

  • Entrega exprés en todo el mundo
  • Período de devoluciones 14 días.
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Tenemos un centro de cumplimiento de alta tecnología que prepara su pedido en cuestión de minutos. Optimizamos nuestros costos logísticos para ofrecerle el mayor valor posible de su dinero. 

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